Социальная медицина, биология и психология - Прокопенко Н.А. » Психологический блок » The level and direction of cognitive disturbances in physiological aging

Канал Натальи Прокопенко - доктора биологических наук, г. Киев


The level and direction of cognitive disturbances in physiological aging

ICFSR 2017InternationalConferenceonFrailtyandSarcopeniaResearch”, (Barcelona, Spain, April 27-29 2017): The Journal of Frailty & Aging. – 2017. – Vol. 6, Suppl. 1. – P. 74.

Nataliia Prokopenko, Prof.

Institute of Gerontology of National Academy of Medical Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine

Background. The process of aging is associated with various disturbances, both in intellectual and in sensorimotor function. The experience of long-living subjects shows that in old age a person must have a level of health that allows him to maintain independence at home, self-esteem and rightful place in the family and society. The preservation of psycho-physiological health of the person is the difficult problem of present-day time. The purpose of research is to evaluate the safety of cognitive functions in long-living subjects.

Method. 75 long-living subjects aged 93,7 ± 2,8 years were examined. We defined systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, frequency of heartbeat at rest and after physical exercises, vital capacity of the lungs (VCL), and calculated integrative index of cardiovascular activity (ICA), body mass index (BMI) in long-living subjects. The level and direction of cognitive disturbances was determined by the MMSE test (mini mental state examination).

Results. Cognitive function without changes were observed in 22% of long-living subjects, the age-dependent decrease of memory - 24%, mild cognitive decline - 22%, the initial stage of dementia - 25%, more expressing stages of dementia were observed in 7% of long-living subjects. On scale "Time orientation" was observed the least number of correct answers in the question "What year is this?" (61.3%), the highest - "What season is this?" (95.2%). Nearly all long-living subjects (98.4%) correctly identify the city/townwhere they live, the street - only 87.1% of long-living subjects. 91.7% of long-living subjects could repeat the three proposed words to them, though remember these wordsonly every fourth long-living subjects, 40% of long-living subjects could not remember nor one word. Correctly pronounced the word with 5 letters in reverse order only 36.4% oflong-living subjects. Read the text and executed the task 73.6% of long-living subjects, 3-step task executed 98.3%, written a complete sentence - 81.8%, correctly copied figure - 87.2% oflong-living subjects. Average score for the MMSE test for men is 26,5 ± 3,3, women - 25,1 ± 3,2. MMSE indicators were positively correlated with BMI (r = 0,69, p <0,001), VCL (r = 0,50, p <0,01), education level (r = 0,52, p <0,01). Revealed ?-shaped relationship between ICA and test date MMSE. Revealed a non-linear relationship between the ICA and the level of cognitive disturbances refers to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most important factors for degenerative damage of the brain.

Conclusion. The preservation of cognitive functions observed in long-living subjects with the reduction of the level of viability. First of all, it pertain to gnosis, praxis, speech function. The most vulnerable cognitive functions include attention and memory that is one of the first symptoms of vascular lesions of the subcortical structures of the brain. Revealed a non-linear relationship between the ICA and the level of cognitive disturbances refers to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most important factors for degenerative brain damage.


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