Социальная медицина, биология и психология - Прокопенко Н.А. » Мои публикации » Страница 11

Канал Натальи Прокопенко - доктора биологических наук, г. Киев


Changes in the organism’s function during aging
/ N. Prokopenko // ICFSR 2016International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research”, (Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 28-29 2016): The Journal of Frailty & Aging. – 2016. – Vol. 5, Suppl. 1
. – P. 117-118.

Backgrounds. The aging is a natural result to vital activity of the human organism. However process of the aging can come of different intensity depending on conditions of the life, vital activity and genetic factor. The goal of the study is to reveal effects of changes in the organism's function during aging on the cognitive processes.

Methods.Age-related changes of the cardiovascular, neuromuscular and respiratory system and their role in the development of cognitive disturbances were investigated in 123 workers of intellectual labour aged 20-79 and 75 long-living subjects using psychophysiological testing.The level of cognitive impairment in long-living subjects was determined with the MMSE test (mini mental state examination).

Results. The periods of decrease of organism’s adaptive capacities (50-59 years for men and 40-49 and 60-69 for women) were revealed based on the data of age-related changes in the index of cardiovascular activity (ICVA); they serve a prognostically unfavourable sing of development of cognitive disturbances. The differentiation of long-living subjects based on results of MMSE test revealed an increased diastolic arterial blood pressure in persons with moderate cognitive disturbances vs. patients with age-dependent decrease of memory.Between ICVA values and MMSE test data there is a nonlinear dependence of the form y=a+bx+cx2,i.e. mild cognitive impairment as an intermediate state between the age-related changes in the brain and the clinical dementia occurs due to lower cardiovascular activity.

Conclusion. Evaluation of age-related changes of the functional state of the cardiovascular system has allowed to identify the most sensitive periods of human life, both in terms of adaptive capacity, and from the point of view of the risk of cognitive impairment. The study of cognitive impairment due to the state of the cardiovascular system in long-living subjects confirmed our hypothesis about the role of autonomic dysfunction as an indicator of possible changes in the intellectual sphere. So, we can assume that the long-term and stable stress of regulation systems can produce functional changes, which are expressed in the gradual transition of prenosological states in pathological. Such activation of the cardiovascular system should be viewed as a adverse prognostic factor for decrease of the adaptation capacities and development of cognitive disturbances.



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Социальная медицина, биология и психология - Прокопенко Н.А.