Социальная медицина, биология и психология - Прокопенко Н.А. » Мои публикации » Страница 10

Канал Натальи Прокопенко - доктора биологических наук, г. Киев


Evaluation of the functional health in women of different age on the base of the heart rate variability analysis under the effect of emotions / Nataliia Prokopenko // IOP 2016: 18th World Congress of Psychophysiology IOP (Havana, Cuba, August 31st to September 4th 2016): International Journal of Psychophysiology. – 2016. – Vol. 108, October. – P. 93-94.

Nataliia Prokopenko (Ukraine)1,*
State Institute of Gerontology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, Kiev,
Background: Change in heart rate is a universal bodily response to any load. The
heart rhythm control system is hierarchically structured. This hierarchical structure of
heart rhythm regulation levels includes the nervous apparatus of the heart itself, a
number of neuronal systems of the spinal cord, brain stem, region of the hypothalamic
complex, and cerebral cortex. Emotional stress activates both the trophotropic and
ergotropic regulation systems. The outcome of a stress response depends on the
relationship of the activity of these systems. An important role in individual differences
of stress response is played by the initial state of autonomic cardiovascular system
regulation. The goal of the study is to distinguish and quantitatively determine how
each of the regulation levels affects heart rhythm in women of different age during
emotional experiences and to assess the current functional state of an organism and
its adaptive reserves on this basis taking into account the background of neurohumoral
regulation (vagotonia, normotonia, sympathotonia).
Methods: The study involved 37 women (19 women aged 30–40 years and 18 women
aged 60–70 years) without pronounced cardiovascular pathology. Various emotional
states were induced by suggesting that the subjects imagine situations evoking
feelings of joy (positive emotions) and grief (negative emotions). “Cardiospectrum”
computerized pulse diagnostics was used for physiological control of the functional
state of subjects during emotional tests. The Baevskii stress index (BI) was calculated
according to the indices of variation pulsometry, and the centralization index (ICc) was
calculated according to the HRV spectral components as the ratio of the sum of the LF
and VLF powers to the HF power. The functional state of subjects was assessed by a
mathematical model as equations of the discriminant function, which includes the HRV
parameters (HR, BI, pNN50, HF %).
Results: The internal induction of emotions in vagotonics and sympathotonics caused
changes in autonomic balance towards activation of the sympathetic-adrenal level and
an increase in the degree of stress on the regulatory systems of an organism,
regardless of age. The spectral structure of HRV indicated a transition of rhythm
regulation from the autonomic reflex level to the humoral-metabolic level. The
functional state of normotensive patients in both age groups was regulated through a
quick response system of the HF component.
Conclusions: This indicates that persons with signs of autonomic imbalance have
lower adaptive capabilities. It is shown that individual differences related to
peculiarities of neurohumoral regulation are among the factors that determine the
specificity and strength of emotional experience



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Социальная медицина, биология и психология - Прокопенко Н.А.